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The Cosmic AUM or OM Is Found In The Background Radiation Remnant Of The Big Bang

Science has proven the existence of Aum. The universe is permeated by Aum  in the form of the CMBR, the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. It is also known as CBR; Cosmic Background Radiation.

The CMBR is left over heat from the creation of the universe. It proves that the big bang started the expansion that is our universe 13.7 billion years ago. A point infinitesimally small exploded and quickly expanded into the universe we live in today.

Everything in the universe comes from that beginning. What is left from that original spark is thermal radiation that permeates everything.

The universe has a temperature. Absolute zero is the lowest temperature anything can achieve, and the universe, even in its furthest reaches, is slightly warmer, 2.725 degrees Celsius warmer. That warmth comes from the CMBR.

The CMBR accounts for 99.9 percent of the particles of light in the universe. The other .1 percent comes from stars. Every cubic centimeter of space contains 300 photons from that original explosion of creation.

The CMBR was first noticed by scientists who were attempting to listen to sounds from distant stars and galaxies. They were confounded by a noise that was everywhere they pointed their radio telescopes. Older television sets produce static when tuned to a station that isn’t being used. About one percent of that static is the CMBR. That is the static those scientists found.

According to ancient Hindu scripture Aum  permeates the entire universe. It is called a sound that permeates the universe. It is also called the cosmic seed because it is what everything sprang from. It is the sound of God.

Aum is sometimes written as Om. While Aum is more accurate, an even more accurate spelling can be found in Sanskrit which indicates a fourth character that is a half sound called the ardha matra in Sanskrit.

Om is often chanted as a spiritual technique to purify the mind and focus the attention. It is a very powerful technique, especially if chanted correctly. When chanted correctly the macrocosmic infinite that is Aum is brought into the microcosm of the body of the chanter. It can also have a profound effect on listeners.

Om is most commonly chanted as Om, one sound, especially in western cultures. However, when chanting AUM correctly there are actually three and a half sounds made by the chanter. Those sounds are long A as in father, O as in oh, M — a humming sound with the lips pressed together and the half note which is the M continued with slight changes in the shape of the tongue and throat.

Aum is correctly produced by making only one sound in the larynx. The different sounds of A, U, M and the half note are made by changing the shape of the mouth, tongue and throat.

The sound starts with long A which is made with the mouth opened wide. While the throat continues making that original sound the mouth slowly changes to form an O in such a way that the sound changes to an O sound. The M sound is made by changing the O shape of the mouth to pressing the lips together. Then, the half note is made by moving the tongue toward the pallet with the front part touching the pallet, and the back of the throat is slightly constricted.

The first sound, the A, is in the throat and mouth. That is, the vibration of Om is in the upper part of the body. As the sound is changed to O the vibration and sound start to move down into the lower throat and upper chest. The M sound moves the vibration into the middle and lower chest. The half note moves the vibration up into the head, specifically the hypothalamus area including the pituitary gland.

After the big bang the universe very quickly expanded at speeds faster than the speed of light. As it expanded the vibration of the big bang bounced between the boundaries three and a half times.

That primordial sound reverberated back and forth like the sound in a flute bouncing against the edges as it moves down the tube to create a beautiful harmonic sound. The beautiful harmonic of the universe is Aum that can be recreated in the human body by making the sounds of the letters A, U, M and the half note at the end.

Of the CMBR Nobel Prize winner George Smoot said it was ‘like seeing the face of God.’ How right he is! The Christian Bible shares this view in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

It is obvious that the characteristics of Aum and the CMBR are almost identical. They both permeate the universe, and have the same musical note structure. It really is amazing that what the ancient yogis experienced in Aum thousands of years ago has only recently been discovered by science.

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  • Paul Yeager November 9, 2018, 12:08 am

    Classic article, so thought-provoking and insightful. I’ve come back and read it to enjoy it now so many times. Thanks so much Kalidas!

    • Kalidasa November 9, 2018, 8:03 pm

      Thanks, Paul. Really glad you like it.

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